Dapper Health Habits

The between difference a good attitude and living a life with purpose can make on an individual’s quality of life. Life shows us that it’s never too late to pattern our behavior after role models or associate with peer groups that reflect the attitude we want for ourselves. When it comes to changing your attitude, you need to do an honest and in-depth self-evaluation so you could point out exactly which of your traits need to be improved or totally changed. Then, commit to changing it.

What is colorless, calorie-free, and is one of the best defenses against illness and disease? It’s water. Yet most people still need the incentive to choose water over drinking other beverages. “If you are looking for a simple lifestyle change that carries a huge impact, start every day with a glass of water. By infusing your water with lemons, cucumbers, grapefruit, blueberries, etc. Some people cling to the excuse that they simply forget to drink water throughout the day, but establishing a routine for water intake is worth remembering. Here are five reasons why establishing a water-drinking routine should quench your thirst for better health.

1. Water removes toxins and rebuilds cells. You may be asleep, but your body is busy rebuilding itself. During the night, our body replenishes, recharges and rebuilds new cells. That process produces waste and toxins. By beginning each day with water, we dehydrate our bodies and flush out those toxins. A rehydrated body is better able to absorb essential nutrients throughout the day, so your efforts to eat more nutritious foods will pay off.

2. Water delays premature aging. Roughly 60 percent of the body is made up of water, and when you’re thirsty, it shows — especially in your hands. When you are properly hydrated, your skin and organs function and look better, giving off a youthful appearance. “When it comes to delaying the signs of age, drink up,” they said.

3. Water improves brain function. Since the brain consists of approximately 75 percent water, it makes sense that your brain (and other organs) will function better when properly hydrated. The Brain and Mind Research Institute at Weill Cornell Medical College found that water loss of less than five percent of our body weight can suppress blood flow necessary for neural activity. So if you want to be smarter, drink more water.

4. Water relieves fatigue. When the afternoon droops start to creep into your day, make a detour from the vending machine and refill your water bottle, instead. “Water helps nourish thirsty new cells that give us the energy we need to get through the day,” said Handy. Getting into the habit of drinking water throughout the day maintains healthy energy levels that keep you focused and more productive.

5. Water lowers blood pressure. When you are dehydrated, your blood vessels constrict to conserve water loss, which means your heart has to work harder. That strain increases your blood pressure. When you get into a water routine, your vessels stay hydrated and fully functioning. Rather than the generic eight-glasses-per-day rule, experts now recommend drinking half of one’s weight in ounces. It’s equally important to listen to your body and drink when you’re thirsty. By committing to a water routine, you will enjoy the benefits in the way you look and feel.

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