Confident Women

A confident woman is not afraid to make mistakes, and if she does, she recovers and presses on! She'd rather be honest than impressive! We love women who face adversity and challenge obstacles. Then turn them into opportunities.

If you have days, weeks, months, or even years when your confidence is low, please know you’re not alone.

Whether it’s circumstantial or chronic, low self-confidence impacts all of us at different points in our lives. Even those born with a more positive personality type have times when they doubt their abilities or feel incapable of success. Lacking faith in our abilities, our attractiveness, or our relationship skills is a common theme in the human drama.

Life regularly presents us with difficulties and challenges, some of which we’ve carried since childhood. Self-confidence isn’t developed by escaping these difficulties, but rather it’s nurtured and strengthened by the way we respond to these circumstances and how we view ourselves in spite of them.

The foundation for self-confidence is embracing your inherent value and capacity for success, even as you recognize you’ll meet challenges and failure along the way. Self-confidence is trusting that ultimately you have what it takes to be who you want to be.

Of course we all need support and reminders of this truth. We need something or someone to jar us from our entrenched negative thinking so we can retrain our brains to accept the positive truth about our potential for greatness.

By Barrie Davenport

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